Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Maggie Kazmer


  1. I like the coffee mug idea, the quote is very strong and has a great message! Although I feel the handle might be difficult or fragile. But I'm not a ceramics expert, so do what you feel is best!

    1. yeah I worried about that too but it seems pretty strong now that it's been fired.

  2. I agree with Kurt that the coffee mug idea, and the quote, are both really cool. A powerful message, indeed! The only thing I'm curious about is how it ties into the theme of transitions? It's a great concept, but I'm having a little trouble seeing where the connection is. Other than that, it's a really nice piece. :)

  3. OKay so i think the tiny turkey you drew is really cute:) it could go with the fall theme! But i think the coffee mug idea is more insightful and may work better. The mug would be easy to throw on the wheel, and i think the cancer ribbon pin could be a cool effect for the handle on the mug.

    1. thanks :) the actual ribbon that's 2 colors will form a heart, it's for my grandma because her husband and daughter both have really serious forms of cancer.

  4. I gree with Kurt that the coffe candle might be to fragile to hold hw weight of the rest odmf the piece . its a great message too . Im not sure but I think you did the Brest cancer ribbons since we support it the most in October and in october fall Beginsbut I'm not sure if you did it because of that or not. I like the turkey bowl besides its cute it fits into the theme fall celebrating thanks giving, but in this case its your decision to decide what you are doing... good luck.

    1. Thanks! I love thanksgiving and I think the turkeys will be fun to make.

  5. Your turkey bowl is a great concept that would exemplify the fall/transitions idea wonderfully. And if I'm thinking correctly, your breast cancer awareness approach would be wonderful and truly touching. And the message just makes it that much more meaningful and deep. However, maybe adding more detail to further the idea's would be wonderful.

  6. The basics for how this meets the theme- My aunt, Grandpa, and Great Grandpa were all just diagnosed with cancer. So the transition is to life with cancer and trying to get through things with them, because I'm very close to my aunt. I visit her probably once a week (she lives in aurora). The handle on the mug will be purple for general cancer, which is where her type (Cancer of unknown primary) falls.

    All of these pieces will actually be sold at a cancer benefit for my aunt. We did one for her friend and raised $10,000 for her treatment, mortgage, and to take her sons on vacation. The benefit will be at the end of November, so I'm hoping the holiday themed pieces will sell well.
