Friday, February 1, 2013

kurt emotion sketches

For my emotions piece, I've decided to do a self-portrait, and make myself black and white. But the clothes I'm wearing and sunglasses will have color, and there will be different colors splattered beind representing my emotions. Also the sunglasses will represent how I really don't show my emotions often. I haven't decided which media to use, either acrylics or watercolers, what do you think?


  1. Really cool concept. The splashes of color will really stand out against the black and white portrait! I'd suggest going with watercolors for this one, though, of course, the final desicion is up to you. Can't wait to see the final piece!

  2. Sounds good. Id suggest doing a mixup of media. the specific parts you want to stand out, do in a pop media. like use media that would pop out at the viewer. idk. but i like the idea, sounds good.
