Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kurt Conflict Sketches

For conflict and resoluton I've decided to do a drawing that depicts a soldier returning from war. It follows my last pen drawing, the idea is that it shows how there is constant conflict wherever he goes within his mind, as he can't forget what happened to him and how he lost his friends in combat. The picture will represent the conflict this solider deals with and how he works to resolve it, trying to reform back to a civilain lifestlye.


  1. i like the idea of you going back to your previous piece, have you though about using similar colors in both sides of the soldier vision? i think that would connect both sides in a way.

  2. Whatever theme you're putting it to, I still think this idea is really cool. Not to mention I like how you're connecting your pieces together to create one story. I agree with Judith, if you have the time, adding color to these pieces would look really cool. I also know you have a lot of hesitance in drawing the woman in the scene on the right...don't be afraid to give it a try. If you have a good reference, and it adds to the meaning of your piece, go for it!
